Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Juniper Pulse - Host Checker not running/working properly

Recently I encountered the issue that the Pulse client version 3 or 4 always failed on Host Checker stage before get connected to the SSL VPN (Pulse 5 is working fine). The following are the 2 symptoms of the error:

  • If you configured the Pulse client to connect to the VPN gateway using IP address then you will get the Non-Compliance for the antivirus error

  • If you configured the Pulse client to connect to the VPN gateway using URL then you will get the Non-Compliance for the antivirus and firewall error
After compared all the parameters and found out that the issue was caused by the SSL certificate was not assigned to the interface. To rectify the issue just go to  ConfigurationCertificatesDevice Certificates then choose the certificate and assigned the interface (Internal or External depends on the network design)